Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Wednesday he had a 'job to do' but would have no objection to quitting if the Congress wants its general secretary Rahul Gandhi to take over.
'I sincerely hope that whenever the Congress party makes up its mind, I have no objection to step down. But so long as I am there, I have a job to do,' Manmohan Singh said in his interaction with a group of editors here
The prime minister was asked about occasional voices in the Congress that Rahul Gandhi should take over.
He said that the party and its president Sonia Ganhi had entrusted 'me with this job to do'.
'I have not got any contrary view from the Congress high command. In fact, the Congress high command has been most supportive, particularly Mrs. Gandhi,' he said.
He, however, said that the 'general perception that younger people should take over' was 'the right sentiment'.
'I sincerely hope that whenever the Congress party makes up its mind, I have no objection to step down. But so long as I am there, I have a job to do,' Manmohan Singh said in his interaction with a group of editors here
The prime minister was asked about occasional voices in the Congress that Rahul Gandhi should take over.
He said that the party and its president Sonia Ganhi had entrusted 'me with this job to do'.
'I have not got any contrary view from the Congress high command. In fact, the Congress high command has been most supportive, particularly Mrs. Gandhi,' he said.
He, however, said that the 'general perception that younger people should take over' was 'the right sentiment'.
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